St Mary S General Hospital — Hospital in Kitchener

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St Mary S General Hospital

Hospital at 911 Queen's Blvd, Kitchener, ON N2M 1B2, Canada, Kitchener, Ontario, N2M 1B2 . Here you will find detailed information about St Mary S General Hospital: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

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Based on 10 reviews


911 Queen's Blvd, Kitchener, ON N2M 1B2, Canada, Kitchener, Ontario, N2M 1B2
N2M 1B2

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About St Mary S General Hospital

St Mary S General Hospital is a UK Hospital based in Kitchener, Ontario. St Mary S General Hospital is located at 911 Queen's Blvd, Kitchener, ON N2M 1B2, Canada,

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Reviews of St Mary S General Hospital

  • William
    Added 2016.01.06
    I don't normally post reviews but I feel I need to share my experience here. When I arrived I was in severe abdominal pain and rather then check me in the reception staff were busy fixing the fax machine. However, I began vomiting due to the pain and that got me to a bed quicker. Once it was in a bed it was clear the nurses thought I was on drugs, with their repeated questions asking if I took any drugs. Furthermore, they would not give me anything for the pain. I did not recieve anything for the pain until 4h later when the Dr finally checked on me. At this point the pain was already lessening since it was almost 6h from the onset. I then stayed for diagnostics, which took another 6h! At 10h after arrival I still had no diagnosis and left. During this time staff refused to let me get food. I've never been treated so poorly in my life. Plus the staff lacked basic skills such as capping IV lines when they are disconnected. If you are seeking emergency care I would not recommend this hospital!
  • Anthony
    Added 2015.08.12
    This hospital needs to do better.
  • Lydia
    Added 2015.05.31
    I went in with fever and lower back pain. Was triaged and registered very quickly and soon diagnosed with kidney infection. All the staff was very understanding and helpful and made me feel like a person not just a case file. Keep up the fine work!
  • James
    Added 2015.03.11
    I do recommend the hospital and if you need to go to the ER, I hope it's during the week and with the awesome doctor I had on the weekend.
  • Sadie
    Added 2015.02.22
    When I went back 4 days later, I had to wait a little longer due to it being the weekend. The nurses recognized me and got me through Triage right away. I had to wait maybe 2 hours but I was given a bed in the "sub acute" care at first opportunity. The nurses were very helpful and quick to take my blood (they had to come back and take more blood). The doctor this time was AMAZING and I wish I could remember his name. He took me seriously, listened to every word, sent me for a simple x-ray to find a bowel obstruction. If I had waited for the referral to come through, I would have been dead by then. I was not happy that I had to wait 15 hours, but I had another CT done and they found a bacterial infection. Again, the nurses were absolutely fantastic and I could not thank them enough as they took me on a stretcher to transfer me to Grand River.
  • Nova
    Added 2014.08.10
    The overnight staff at emergency entrance seem to not care about those that come in for emergencies, based on my experience that day and observation. I also observed a female staff shouting at a patient as he lay on the ground in agony and you could clearly see that he was in great pain. She was shouting at him to "get off the ground". No empathy whatsoever. I felt sorry for the guy. He came with him wife. Based on the interaction of staff and the man's wife, the staff member seemed to insinuate to another staff that the man who came into emergency in agony may be faking it.
  • Scarlett
    Added 2014.06.26
    I went to this emergency room twice within 4 days. The first time I went the waiting room was empty so I was taken in right away. I was placed into a bed in the "acute" care right around the time the shift change happened and 2 car accidents came in. The doctor I got seemed angry that he had to deal with me instead of those patients. He sent me for a CT scan and told me that I had colitis. My brother was with me, who HAS colitis, and he had said that this wasn't the case and to please keep checking. At this point I wasn't eating or drinking, but the doctor said they would send a referral and to check back in a month or 2.
  • Victoria
    Added 2013.12.07
    I took a friend to the emergency unit on February 3, 2018 around 4am. My friend had severe stomach pains, was nauseated and vomitted a few times. She was given a barf bag. My friend had to sit for hours (in extreme pain) before anyone came to attend to her, after checking in with triage.
  • Sophie
    Added 2013.09.21
    Yesterday I brought in my girlfriends dad because he was pale, sweating, had a heavy tight pain in the center of his chest and the pain was radiating down his left arm. He also had a history of a heart murmur. The onset was around 1300, and he told us he thought he was having a heart attack around 1500. After doing a primary survey and a set of vitals we gave him ASA and brought his to the hospital. We chose St. Mary's because it is a cardiac hospital and we thought he was having a heart attack. We arrived at the hospital around 1530 and he was seen quite fast by a triage nurse and was then sent over to registration. After he was registered we sat for almost 45 minutes while the pain was getting worse. Due to how much pain he was in I got up and asked "What was taking so long? This man is in pain aren't you going to so something about it?" and I was told to sit down and wait my turn. Then a few minutes later he was taken back to give blood and then sent back in to the registration area to wait. He then sat there For almost an hour and his pain was getting worse and worse. So again i went up to the registration desk and said " His pain is getting worse, why aren't you guys helping him? He might be having a heart attack!" she then replied "This is a cardiac hospital, we have taken his blood so we have to wait for the results to know what's wrong with him. You have to sit down and wait your turn" i then asked again why aren't they helping him and she said "Why can't you get this through your head? We're doing everything we can." and I thought that was ridiculous, he was sitting there in so much pain he was shaking, and she was just avoiding the question and telling me to go away. About 10 minutes later his pain was so bad he was saying that he had never felt a pain this bad in his life and he had to get 16 screws put in his back after a car accident so his pain threshold was pretty high. His one daughter then had to get up and yell at them saying "There's a 48 year old man who is in so much pain he is crying! What are you guys waiting for? Help him!" At first the ignored that but then the entire waiting room exploded and agreed that he needed help so he was finally brought back for treatment. However he was in so much pain he couldn't move and the had to get a wheelchair for his to sit in and it took his 5 or six tries to stand up because he was in so much pain he literally could not stand. Why would the hospital let him get to this point? We told them multiple times his conditions was getting worse. This is not acceptable from a hospital.
  • Matthew
    Added 2013.07.08
    This happened back in February/March:
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